Totally customizable alert plugin to inform players when they don't have inventory space!way
InventoryFull is a very small plugin that alerts players when they don't have inventory space!
Simply enable any of the following ways to alert players in the config file and use /invfull reload. After the alert type is enabled, when players get a full inventiry they will be alerted!
5 Ways to send the full inventory alert.
Highly customizable.
Play a sound when the alert is sent.
Types of alerts:
ChatMessage - send an inventory full message through chat!
Actionbar (Requires ActionAnnouncer) - send an inventory full message through the actionbar!
Title and subtitle (Requires TitleManager) - send an inventory full message through the Title and subtitle!
Holograms (Requires HolographicDisplays) - send an inventory full message with a hologram!
Sound - play a sound to a player when they have a full inventory!
There is an API that will allow you to listen to a special event that is fired when a player has a full inventory and breaks a block that won't fit!
Here is an example:
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