Plugin's files

The plugin's configuration files


# DeluxeJoin configuration
# You can create as many formats for motd and join/leave you like.
# All formats must contain action lists with valid actions
# All actions must start with a valid action tag!
# Valid Actions:
#     DESCRIPTION: Send a JSON message to the target player
#     EXAMPLE:  - '[JSON] {"text":"this is sent to the target player"}'
#     DESCRIPTION: Send a JSON broadcast to the entire server specific to the target player
#     EXAMPLE:  - '[JSONBROADCAST] {"text":"this is sent all players"}'
# Chat message: [MESSAGE], [MSG]
#     DESCRIPTION: Send a message to the target player
#     EXAMPLE:  - '[MESSAGE] &aThis is sent to the player joining/leaving/viewing the MOTD'
# Chat broadcast: [BROADCAST], [BC]
#     DESCRIPTION: Send a broadcast to the entire server specific to the target player
#     EXAMPLE:  - '[BROADCAST] &aThis is sent to all players'
# Actionbar message: [ACTIONBARMSG], [ACTIONMSG]
#     DESCRIPTION: Send an actionbar message to the target player
#     EXAMPLE:  - '[ACTIONMSG] &aThis is sent to the target player'
#     DESCRIPTION: Send an actionbar broadcast to the server specific to the target player
#     EXAMPLE:  - '[ACTIONBROADCAST] &aThis is sent to all players'
# Title message: [TITLEMESSAGE], [TITLEMSG]
#     DESCRIPTION: Send a title and/or subtitle message to the target playe
#     EXAMPLE:  - '[TITLEMSG] title:&aWelcome to the server subtitle:&bsubtitle here fadein:10 stay:20 fadeout:10'
# Title broadcast: [TITLEBROADCAST], [TITLEBC]
#     DESCRIPTION: Send a title broadcast to the entire server specific to the target player
#     EXAMPLE:  - '[TITLEBC] title:&a%player% joined! subtitle:&bsubtitle here fadein:10 stay:20 fadeout:10'
# Player command: [PLAYERCOMMAND], [PLAYERCMD]
#     DESCRIPTION: Force the target player to execute a command
#     EXAMPLE:  - '[PLAYERCMD] /spawn'
#     DESCRIPTION: Execute a console command where target specific placeholders can be used
#     EXAMPLE:  - '[CONSOLECMD] spawn %player%'
# Player sound: [SOUND], [PLAYERSOUND]
#     DESCRIPTION: Play a sound to the target player
#     EXAMPLE:  - '[SOUND] NOTE_PLING 10 10'
#     DESCRIPTION: Play a sound to the entire server
# If you want to display a line with normal text and color codes
# you must start the line with the [MESSAGE] tag
# formatName:
#     join_actions:
#     - '[MESSAGE] &eWelcome to the server %player%!'
# If you want to use multiple JSON components in one String
# you must separate them with an And operator -> &&
# formatName:
#     join_actions:
#     - '[JSONMESSAGE] {"text":"Welcome","color":"green"}&&{"text":" player","color":"yellow"}'
# template
# ================
# deluxejoin_formats:
#   <formatIdentifier>:
#     priority: <unique number here>
#     join_actions:
#     - '[JSONBROADCAST] {"text":"%player% joined the game","color":"yellow"}'
#     leave_actions:
#     - '[JSONBROADCAST] {"text":"%player% left the game","color":"yellow"}'
# ================
# The priority system is very important! It works just like
# the DeluxeChat format priority system. This allows players to
# have multiple permissions and DeluxeJoin will know what join/leave
# format to assign the player. 1 would be the highest priority (first)
# 1000 would be the lowest priority (last)
# The permission node for a format is:
# deluxejoin.format.<identifier>
# Placeholders are available if you have DeluxeChat or PlaceholderAPI installed on your server!
# You may use any placeholders anywhere inside of your formats.
# All placeholders are specific to the target player joining, leaving, or viewing the MOTD
# If the MOTD system is enabled, it follows the same format as join/leave formats.
# You can create as many MOTDs you like, the player needs permission for a motd to
# view it. The permission node is:
# deluxejoin.motd.<identifier>
# The following actions CAN NOT be used in leave_actions as the player has already left the server:
# JSON message, chat message, actionbar message, title message, player command, player sound
# The following actions CAN NOT be used in motd_actions as these actions would affect all players online:
# JSON broadcast, chat broadcast, actionbar broadcast, title broadcast, broadcast sound
# If you need an easy way to create JSON messages, 
# visit
    priority: 1
    - '[JSONBROADCAST] {"text":"[","color":"dark_gray"}&&{"text":"+","color":"green","bold":"true"}&&{"text":"]","color":"dark_gray"}&&{"text":"  %player%","color":"gray","hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"Players
      online: &f%online%","color":"aqua"}]}}}'
    - '[JSONBROADCAST] {"text":"[","color":"dark_gray"}&&{"text":"-","color":"red","bold":"true"}&&{"text":"]","color":"dark_gray"}&&{"text":"  %player%","color":"gray","hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"Players
      online: &f%online%","color":"aqua"}]}}}'
  announce_on_join: true
  - '[JSONBROADCAST] {"text":"This is %player%s first time joining!","color":"green","hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"Welcome
  enabled: true
  delay: 1
    priority: 1
    - '[MESSAGE] &8&m+---------------------------------------------------+'
    - '[JSONMESSAGE] {"text":"               Welcome to the server ","color":"green"}&&{"text":"%player%","color":"white","hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"That
      is your name right?","color":"yellow"}]}}}'
    - '[MESSAGE] &f'
    - '[MESSAGE] &f'
    - '[MESSAGE]           &eThis motd was brought to you by &7DeluxeJoin'
    - '[JSONMESSAGE] {"text":"               &6Visit &7DeluxeJoin &6on Spigot "}&&{"text":"Click
    - '[MESSAGE] &8&m+---------------------------------------------------+'

Last updated